Pokémob Command Block


This block allows using redstone signals, or a ComputerCraft interface to issue commands to a pokémob. To link a pokémob to the commander, you right click it with the cube containing said mob, this page will mostly discuss the redstone signal applications.


The commander block has a very simple GUI. It contains the command type to send, and then the arguments for those commands. The arguments will be discussed below for each type of command:

  • ATTACKENTITY - <id> - Attacks mob with given entity ID, not really useful as no way to get this with just Pokécube

  • ATTACKLOCATION - <X> <Y> <Z> - Tells the pokémob to attack the given location, the location_linker can be used to get these coordinates

  • ATTACKNOTHING - No arguments, just uses the attack, this can be used for healing/self moves, etc

  • CHANGEMOVEINDEX - <Index> - Changes the selected move for the pokémob

  • CHANGEFORM - Commands your pokémob to change form, similar to the mega evolve key

  • MOVETO - <X> <Y> <Z> <S> - Tells the pokémob to move to the given location, with a speed specified by <S>

  • STANCE - <value> <state> - this changes the “stance” of the pokémob, <value> is true (for on) or false for (off), and <state> is one of the following:

    • 0 - Stay on/off

    • 1 - Guard on/off

    • 2 - Sit on/off

    • 3 - Using G/Z Move on/off

  • SWAPMOVES - <A> <B> - Swaps moves of index <A> and <B>

  • TELEPORT - No arguments, tells the pokémob to use teleport, this will mosty likely teleport the owner to the last selected teleport location, not very useful in general

The command is applied by sending a redstone pulse to the block. Multiple commander blocks can be linked to the same pokémob.