Daycare Block


The Daycare Block converts emeralds into EXP for nearby pokémobs. You must use a hopper, or similar to get the emeralds into the block, and you can also use a hopper to get un-used emeralds out of the block.

The options mentioned below are all located in the [machine] section of pokecube_adventures-common.toml.

when a pokémobs is near the the daycare block, the following will occur:

  1. They will gain the amount of EXP specified by dayCareExpFunction

  2. Their breeding cooldown will have dayCareBreedAmount applied to it, depending on the setting of dayCareBreedSpeedup

  3. Depending on the amount of power needed by the above functions (specified via dayCarePowerPerExp), emeralds will be consumed. The number of emeralds consumed depends on the value of dayCarePowerPerFuel, and for applying the breeding cooldown to a lvl 100 pokemob, it will instead cost power as if the pokemob was the level specified in dayCareLvl100EffectiveLevel.

These will happen every dayCareTickRate ticks, so lower values for that will result in faster action of the daycare block.