Useful Items

Location Linker

The location linker is an item which is used to link blocks and mobs to locations. When a block is right clicked with this item, one of two things will occur:

  1. In most cases, the location of the block will be stored to the linker, it will also be copied to clipboard, so that it can be pasted into certain GUIs.

  2. In the cases of blocks which accept links, the link interaction for that block will apply instead.

Exp. Share

This item will give additional exp to the pokémob holding it, so long as a pokémob with the same owner gains exp from battle. The pokémob holding the Exp. Share must be outside of its pokécube, and must not be set to Sitting.

You can get a free Exp. Share from the Trainer Career page if your pokewatch, and you can buy additional ones from pokemarts when that one breaks.

Note: Currently Exp. Shares have a tendency to break rarely on use, most often when the holder dies with it!


Revives can be either bought in stores, or crafted by brewing oran berries into bottles of water. Revives have 2 methods of use:

  1. Craft with the pokécube containing a fainted pokémob, this will revive it.

  2. Right click a dead pokémob before it vanishes, this will revive it.

Shiny Charm

This item has 3 uses, only one of which is actually a good idea:

  1. Crafting ingredient for the Gene Splicer <– This is what you should use it for!

  2. Placing in the AFA to increase expressions of shiny genes in the area

  3. Can be wasted on a single pokémob to toggle its expressed shiny gene, this is generally a bad idea unless you have too many emeralds
