Pokémob Animation and Wearables Setup

Pokémob animations are defined by keyframe or function animations defined in an xml file of the same name as the pokémob’s model.

Step 1: Making an un-zipped resourcepack

The first step to setting up for animations and wearables is to make an un-zipped resourcepack containing the xml file for the pokémob in question. This should go in the standard minecraft resourcepacks directory. The following example would be for adjusting animations for abra. The following file was created in resourcepacks: animation_tests/assets/pokecube_mobs/gen_1/entity/models/abra.xml. The initial contents of this XML file are copied from the default file located in the mod’s jar, or downloaded from the github repository.

Also created are animation_tests/pack.mcmeta and animation_tests/pack.png for the resourcepack to be valid.

Step 2: Enabling the animation gui

This is done by assigning a hotkey for opening this gui.

animation gui hokey

Hotkey to enable animation gui

Pressing this hotkey should open the following screen:

Animation Gui

Initial screen for gui.

Pressing the modules button in the lower left will bring up the display for wearables setup and animation testing.

Animation Gui